Guide to Level Artifacts in Genshin Impact(8 Best Tips)

Knowing how to level artifacts is extremely important. Save yourself time and energy with our artifact levelling guide!

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Hamza Bakht

Key Takeaways

  • Artifacts are crucial for character optimization, providing stat boosts and set bonuses to enhance abilities and performance.
  • Understanding your character’s talents, passives, and constellations is essential in selecting the right artifacts to level.
  • Different characters benefit from different stats such as HP, DEF, and ATK. Keep this in mind when you level artifacts so you can be efficient.
  • Level artifacts with purpose, considering unique abilities and synergies of your characters. Settling for slightly suboptimal artifacts is acceptable, as perfect artifacts can be challenging to obtain. Pay attention to how substats progress when leveling artifacts and be patient in finding the right ones.
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Artifacts are crucial in Genshin Impact as they provide stat boosts and set bonuses to enhance your characters’ abilities. Levelled artifacts offer increased stats, enabling enhanced character optimisation. They allow customisation, synergy, and adaptability in building your characters based on playstyle and team composition. Artifacts play a vital role in progressing through endgame content and maximising performance. 

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8 tips on how to level artifacts in Genshin Impact

Levelling artifacts correctly requires careful consideration of your character’s abilities, playstyle, and desired stats. Here are 8 tips to help you with how to level artifacts effectively.

Focus on character descriptions

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Thoroughly understand your character’s talents, passives, and constellations. This will give you insights into which stats are important for their abilities and playstyle.

By investing time in reading and understanding your character’s abilities, you can develop a comprehensive grasp of their playstyle and identify which stats are most advantageous for their kit. This knowledge goes beyond blindly following popular builds and allows you to customise your character’s gear choices based on their unique mechanics.

Consider Scaling Stats

Pay attention to the scaling factors mentioned in the character descriptions. For example, if a character’s shield strength is based on their HP, prioritise artifacts that provide HP bonuses.

HP, DEF, and ATK matter

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While HP and DEF stats might make artifacts look unappealing, different characters benefit from different stats. Some characters, like Diona, benefit from HP, while others, like Noelle and Xinyan, benefit from DEF. Fischl, on the other hand, requires ATK bonuses. Align your artifact choices with the stats that will enhance your character’s abilities.

Avoid investing in Flat Stats

Genshin Impact level artifacts with good percentage bonus

Flat stats like flat ATK have limited scaling potential and may not contribute significantly to a character’s overall effectiveness. Prioritizing percentage-based bonuses like ATK%, DEF%, and HP% can provide more substantial and efficient stat increases. In the image above, the 8.7% ATK bonus is much more powerful than the +18 ATK.

Additionally, stats such as Critical Rate, Critical Damage, and Energy Recharge are widely valued for their impact on damage output. Tailoring the ideal stats to your character’s playstyle and abilities can greatly optimize their performance. 5-star pieces with already optimal stats should be your priority when you level artifacts.

Focus on Critical Ratios

Childe with Wine-Stained Tricorne Heart of Depths Artifact

CRIT Rate, CRIT Damage, and Energy Recharge are universally appreciated stats. They provide significant damage boosts and energy regeneration. Consider including these stats when choosing what artifacts to level, especially for DPS characters. The most powerful artifacts have very strong CRIT ratios.

You don’t want to have all CRIT DMG with a Low CRIT RATE, nor do you want a very high CRIT RATE with low CRIT DMG. The best artifacts will let you manipulate your CRIT Ratios for a healthy balance of the two.

Build with purpose

While there may be popular builds, don’t be afraid to experiment and build according to your preferences. Consider unique abilities or synergies of your character and level artifacts accordingly. Genshin Impact is not really very challenging when it comes to the difficulty of its content. So make sure to have fun even if you’re not hitting the 6 digit numbers that whales will often be hitting.

Settle for less-than-perfect artifacts

Raiden Shogun Storm Cage Emblem of Severed Fate Artifact Level 20 Artifact

The Artifact system in Genshin relies heavily on RNG, and obtaining perfect artifacts can be challenging. Accept that you may need to settle for artifacts with slightly suboptimal stats, especially if they still provide value to your character’s build. 

Pay attention to stat progression

As you level artifacts, take note of how the substats improve. Sometimes, an artifact with initially subpar stats may improve the desired substats upon levelling. Be patient and observe how the artifact progresses before making a decision to replace it. Try to level artifacts to around 12 before you give up on them.

Remember that levelling artifacts is an ongoing process, and it may take time to acquire the ideal artifacts for your characters. Experiment, adapt, and make adjustments as you progress in the game.

As long as you keep these tips in mind while levelling artifacts in Genshin Impact, you’ll be sure to create a sizeable stock of powerful artifacts. So be patient and keep at it until you find your God-tier artifacts. While you’re here, check out our character guides to ensure you pick the right artifacts for your characters.