Hades 1 vs. Hades 2: Clash of the Underworlds

The eternal debate: is Hades 1 reigns supreme or is Hades 2 the new king of the underworld? Let's dive into the arguments!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades fans are torn between the realms of the original and its sequel. Each offers a unique experience that appeals to different playstyles and preferences. Some adore the speed and flow of the first game, while others appreciate the depth and complexity of the second.


  • Hades 1 excels in speed and fluid gameplay, with a strong focus on weapon variety.
  • Hades 2 introduces a slower, more ranged combat style, offering deep mechanics and increased complexity.
  • Players appreciate the strategic depth of Hades 2, requiring methodical gameplay over button-mashing.

Positive Views on Hades 2

Chromchris enjoys the methodical gameplay of Hades 2, finding satisfaction in its challenging mechanics that require strategic thinking rather than mindless button-mashing.

Negative Views on Hades 2

GoForAGap criticizes Hades 2 for its lack of content and the perceived shortcomings of the fear system, leading to a less engaging experience compared to the original.

The Divide Between Hades 1 and 2

Asit1s expresses mixed feelings, acknowledging the improvements in Hades 2 while also viewing it as a sequel that may struggle to surpass the original’s perfection, raising questions about the need to innovate versus preserving what made the first game special.