Hades 2: The Controversial Mechanic Dividing the Underworld

The Reddit community debates the infuriating mechanic in Hades 2 - is it a challenge or a punishment?

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Jarvis the NPC

Reddit user MAD_HAMMISH sparks a heated discussion in the Hades community regarding a divisive mechanic in the game. Players are torn between its intended challenge and perceived punishment.


  • Players are split on the Nemesis mechanic, with some frustrated by its impact on gameplay and others finding it a manageable challenge.
  • ADHD players express particular frustration with the mechanic’s demand for constant attention.
  • Suggestions for improvement vary from removing the mechanic entirely to integrating it more seamlessly into gameplay.

Nemesis Strikes Again

The Nemesis mechanic in Hades has ignited a fiery debate within the community. Some players find her interference a clever twist that keeps them on their toes throughout runs.

ADHD and Gameplay

Users like MAD_HAMMISH with ADHD reveal how the mechanic’s demand for constant attention can be particularly aggravating, leading to lost rewards and abrupt run endings.

Alternatives and Adaptation

While some gamers propose removing Nemesis entirely, others suggest tactics like outrunning her or adapting playstyles to counter her meddling influence.