Hades Facetanking: A Strategy Guide for Redacted II

Discover how players are pushing the limits in Hades by facetanking challenges!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to facing challenges in Hades, some players throw caution to the wind and embrace the facetank strategy. One Reddit user, StrawhatJzargo, shared a daring encounter with Redacted II that left the community in awe.


  • Facetanking in Hades: Bold but effective
  • Community awe at unconventional strategies
  • Discussion on the balance of risk and reward

Player Strategies

StrawhatJzargo’s bold move sparked a debate on the validity of facetanking in Hades. Some admired the courage, while others questioned the wisdom behind such reckless tactics.

Chronos’ Influence

Lorberry humorously commented, “~40% of the time, it works every time.” Perhaps, luck plays a significant role in pulling off audacious moves like facetanking.

Abilities and Perks

Immediate_Stable pondered the strength of an “ordinary strike,” highlighting the balance between power and simplicity in Hades’ arsenal of abilities.

knihT-dooG simply advised, “Just say Chronos,” hinting at the potential reliance on certain perks for successful facetanking.

Whether it’s pure skill, luck, or a sprinkle of both, StrawhatJzargo’s feat with Redacted II showcases the daring spirit of the Hades community.