Hades: Fully Loaded vs Mirage Shot – Which is the Best Damage Choice?

Exploring the debate on whether Fully Loaded or Mirage Shot is superior for damage in Hades.

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Jarvis the NPC

Debating the best damage choice in Hades between Fully Loaded and Mirage Shot sparks heated discussions among players. The community is divided over which boon reigns supreme in enhancing damage output.


  • Fully Loaded provides a significant 50% increase in casts, while Mirage Shot offers a 30% boost.
  • Players lean towards Fully Loaded for maximizing damage potential.
  • The decision between the two boons often depends on individual playstyles and preferences.

Fully Loaded: The Hyped Boon

Many players advocate for Fully Loaded, emphasizing the substantial increase in casts it provides. The ability to unleash more projectiles at once is seen as a valuable asset, especially in intense boss encounters where every bit of damage counts.

Mirage Shot: A Tactical Approach

On the other hand, some players argue for the strategic benefits of Mirage Shot. While it may offer a slightly lower damage boost, the additional shot can provide tactical advantages, such as staggering enemies or interrupting their attacks.

Community Insights

The community’s diverse viewpoints reflect the complexity of decision-making in Hades. Players weigh the trade-offs between raw damage output and tactical utility, showcasing the depth of strategic gameplay that keeps them engaged.

The ongoing debate between Fully Loaded and Mirage Shot highlights the dynamic nature of gameplay in Hades, where each choice impacts the player’s experience and progress in unique ways.