Hades Game Comparison: Players Speak Out on Reddit

Gamers are debating between Hades 1 and Hades 2 on Reddit. What's the verdict?

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades has become a battleground on Reddit, with players passionately defending their favorite version.


  • Players compare Hades 1 and Hades 2, praising different aspects of each.
  • Opinions vary between gameplay pace, protagonist preference, and mechanic innovations.
  • Hades 2 is favored for its tighter gameplay and enhanced options.

Hades 2: The New Favorite

Many players express a preference for Hades 2, citing the slower pace, improved boss encounters, and refined mechanics that contribute to a more immersive experience. One user remarks, “Hades 2 is already a tighter and more polished game with more options.”

Hades 1: Nostalgia Lingers

On the other hand, some gamers still hold a soft spot for Hades 1, appreciating its unique qualities and the nostalgic feel of playing Zagreus. The variety of gameplay mechanics and the protagonist’s charm play a significant role in their preference.

The Split Decision

Ultimately, the debate between Hades 1 and Hades 2 reflects the diverse preferences and expectations of players. While some lean towards the fresh innovations of Hades 2, others find comfort in the familiarity and nostalgia of the original game. The community’s spirited discussions showcase the enduring popularity and appeal of the Hades franchise.