Hades: Goddess of Strife and Hot Feet Counter

Discover how Hestia's boon counters Eris in Hades. A fiery twist in the battle against the goddess of strife!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, where goddesses clash and boons reign supreme, the unexpected pairing of Hestia and hot feet brings a fiery twist to countering the goddess of strife.


  • The juxtaposition of Hestia’s boon with Eris brings a clever thematic connection.
  • Players share humorous strategies like using fiery legs to counter a shotgun-wielding enemy.
  • Some players find satisfaction in defeating the irritating Goddess of Strife.

Hestia’s Unexpected Boon

It’s oddly appropriate that Hestia would be the one to provide the perfect boon to counter Eris, since she was the original wielder of the Adamant Rail and thus would understand precisely how it works and how to counter someone using it.

Unconventional Combat Tactics

Someone spraying you with a shotgun? Just set your legs on fire lmao.

A Satisfying Victory

Good, screw her. They did a great job of making her somebody to hate. Like everything about her is irritating as hell. It does make finally beating her really satisfying, though.

The Unlikely Friendship

The Heavy and Eris would get along well.

Quirky Observations

>!Kinkshaming is rude yaknow?!< /j