Hades Hephaestus Boons: Clunky or Game-Changing? Reddit Community Insights

Does Hephaestus need an update, or are his boons secretly powerful? Join the Reddit debate on Hades!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, the god Hephaestus has sparked a heated discussion on Reddit regarding the usability of his boons. Are they clunky and awkward, or do they offer a unique gameplay experience that some players adore?


  • Are Hephaestus’ boons underwhelming or underrated?
  • Players debate whether his boons cater to specific playstyles or lack versatility.
  • Hephaestus’ boons are praised for their burst damage potential and precise strategic usage.
  • The community is split on whether Hephaestus’ boons need adjustments for smoother gameplay.

Positive Views on Hephaestus

Many players appreciate Hephaestus’ boons for their unique playstyle that deviates from standard attack-focused builds. One user mentioned, ‘His boons are pretty consistently one of the best I feel like, very good for a hit and run and playing it safe kind of strategy, great for burst damage to snipe problematic enemies.’ This highlights how Hephaestus’ boons excel in specific scenarios, offering players strategic options beyond brute force.

Negative Feedback on Hephaestus

On the other hand, some players find Hephaestus’ boons clunky and less intuitive to use compared to other gods’ offerings. One user expressed, ‘His attack boons are clunky as all hell, and don’t feel good to play. Even supporting another attack boon being your main attack still leaves it feeling clunky.’ This sentiment reflects the frustration some players face when trying to incorporate Hephaestus’ boons into their builds.

Diverse Playstyles with Hephaestus

Despite the mixed opinions, players acknowledge the potential of Hephaestus’ boons in enhancing specific aspects of their gameplay. One user shared, ‘I think his attack/special boons make a good addition to a build that focused on something else. For instance, if you’re doing a mostly special build, Hephe on your attack is a great damage increase with very little downside.’ This showcases how players experiment with different combinations to optimize the benefits of Hephaestus’ boons.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding Hephaestus’ boons in Hades reflects the diverse player preferences and strategic approaches within the community. While some players enjoy the novel gameplay offered by his boons, others find them cumbersome and challenging to incorporate effectively. Whether Hephaestus will undergo adjustments in future updates remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—players will continue to strategize and debate over the god of the forge’s offerings.