Hades: How to Dodge the Impending Sheep Transformation in the 1st Boss Fight

Discover the secret to avoiding becoming a sheep in the 1st boss fight in Hades and dominate the arena.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades is an action-packed game that pits you against challenging foes, but what’s the trick to avoiding that one move in the 1st boss fight?


  • Players share varied strategies for dodging the sheep transformation move in the 1st boss fight.
  • Dashing through the attack instead of away helps, with some suggesting using specific abilities for easier dodging.
  • Staying calm and being prepared to face the move head-on is another viable tactic according to players.

Dash or Stand Still?

“Dash through it, not away. It’ll whip around and you have to do it again, but it’ll go away after 5 or six dodges. You’ll get the hang of it.” advises one player.

Swift Runner Arcana

“You have to sprint away from the orb until it gets close, and then dash through. That’ll give you a bit of space to repeat. Helps if you have the Swift Runner arcana.”

Frinos to the Rescue

“Yeah, the answer really is just hide behind Frinos quickly, actually trying to dodge it is so much effort, it’s not even worth it. Hecate’s fight is full of massive time wasters but that one is the biggest offender.”

Whether you choose to dodge, hide, or confront the move head-on, each strategy has its own merits and quirks in the intense battle against Hecate. Remember, in the world of Hades, every move matters and every decision can shape your destiny.