Hades II Early Access Patch 3 Notes – Reddit Reactions

Discover the community's love, hate, and memes in response to the latest Hades update.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades, the underworld rogue-like sensation, recently dropped their Early Access Patch 3 Notes. Let’s dive into the community’s reactions!


  • Players divided on Artemis keepsake rework
  • Community appreciates active balancing by developers
  • Excitement over changes to boons and infusions

Artemis Keepsake Rework

One player questions the necessity of the limited-time Critical bonus, sparking a debate on playstyles and keepsake mechanics.

Developer Balancing

A player praises the development team for their proactive balancing, turning the spotlight on the positive evolution of the game’s meta.

Boons and Infusions

Excitement ripples through the community as players discuss the anticipated changes to Aphrodite, Hera, Demeter, and more, highlighting increased synergy and cooler gameplay options.

The Hades community never fails to amuse with their love for memes and insightful commentaries. Whether it’s dissecting game changes or laughing at quirky boon names, players remain engaged and eager for more surprises from the underworld.