Hades: Is Your HP Enough? Reddit Users Discuss Tactics

Are you tough enough for Hades? The Reddit community debates HP in a showdown.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a heated discussion around Hades, Redditor MaagicCasper questions their health pool’s adequacy with a mysterious 120 HP disappearance.


  • Debating the necessity of HP for Hades encounter.
  • User suggests more health for better chances.
  • Commenters speculate on health reduction causes.

Exploring HP Management in Hades

MaagicCasper’s dilemma on HP sparks varied responses from the community, with users diving into strategic intricacies. LuxenVulpie humorously questions their decision-making, adding a touch of wit to the discussion.

The Mystery of Lost HP

LiveMango418 presents a theory involving chaos keepsake that sheds light on the potential source of the missing HP, offering a different perspective to consider within the game’s mechanics.

Strategies for a Tough Encounter

Tahmas836’s insightful analysis brings weak effects into the equation, highlighting the importance of adapting strategies to different enemy mechanics in Hades.