Hades Keepsakes: A Comparison Between Hades 1 and Hades 2

Players debate the impact of keepsakes in Hades 1 versus Hades 2. Are the keepsakes in the sequel underwhelming compared to the original?

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussions in the Hades subreddit have ignited a fiery debate over the keepsakes in Hades 1 versus Hades 2. Players are divided on whether the sequel’s keepsakes live up to their predecessor.


  • Players criticize Hades 2’s keepsakes for lacking variety and impact compared to the original.
  • Others argue that Hades 2 keepsakes offer more balanced choices and enhance gameplay diversity.
  • The debate centers on whether Hades 2’s keepsakes provide meaningful buffs across different playstyles and builds.

The BestRapper’s Perspective

Hades enthusiast TheBestRapper expresses disappointment with the keepsakes in Hades 2, citing a loss of play-style variety compared to the first game.

Fans’ Reactions

Comments from the community reflect diverse opinions on the quality and impact of Hades 2’s keepsakes, with some praising their balance and usefulness.

Keeping the Debate Alive

The discourse surrounding Hades keepsakes showcases the divide among players regarding the evolution of gameplay mechanics and item choices in the popular roguelike.