Hades: Lucifer Rail – Community Thoughts and Best Builds

Discover what the Hades community thinks about Lucifer Rail and the best builds to tackle its challenges!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are divided on the effectiveness of Lucifer Rail, with some struggling to find a viable build to make it work. Let’s dive into the Reddit post discussing the challenges and strategies for mastering this aspect.


  • Players express frustration with Lucifer Rail’s performance.
  • Various build strategies are suggested to enhance the weapon’s capabilities.
  • Community members highlight the uniqueness of Lucifer Rail and its potential with specific hammer upgrades.
  • Players share their favorite builds and playstyles with Lucifer Rail.

Community Frustrations with Lucifer Rail

Some players find Lucifer Rail challenging to use effectively, citing its lackluster performance in combat situations. Despite multiple attempts, they struggle to make the aspect work for them. This sentiment is echoed by several community members who share similar experiences.

Optimizing Lucifer Rail Builds

Community suggestions for improving Lucifer Rail’s performance include focusing on specific god combos such as Zeus/Poseidon or Artemis for specials and pairing them with complementary dash upgrades. By utilizing the right hammers and gods, players can maximize the weapon’s potential and enhance their combat effectiveness.

Exploring Unique Strategies and Builds

Some players advocate for unconventional builds with Lucifer Rail, such as the ‘Super Soaker’ build that combines Poseidon’s attack, Zeus elsewhere, and the Sea Storm duo. These innovative approaches showcase the versatility of Lucifer Rail and how players can experiment with different playstyles to achieve success.

Despite the challenges posed by Lucifer Rail, many players find joy in exploring its diverse build options and discovering new strategies to overcome its shortcomings. The community’s collective insights and shared experiences highlight the depth of gameplay choices available in Hades, showcasing the game’s rich variety and player creativity.