Hades: Mouse and Keyboard vs. Controller Debate

Is using a mouse and keyboard really better than a controller in Hades? Reddit users weigh in on the ongoing debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players on Reddit have sparked a lively debate over the superiority of mouse and keyboard versus controller playstyles. It seems the community is divided on which input method reigns supreme.


  • Players are split on whether mouse and keyboard or controller offers a better experience in Hades.
  • Mouse and keyboard users praise the precision and ease of aiming, especially with certain weapons.
  • Controller users appreciate the comfort and familiarity of using a gamepad for gameplay.
  • The debate continues with players sharing their personal preferences and experiences.
  • Mouse and Keyboard Superiority

    Some players find that using a mouse and keyboard enhances their gameplay experience in Hades. They note the improved aiming precision and ease of movement with this setup, particularly when using certain weapons like the Staff or Torch.

    Controller Comfort

    On the other hand, controller users highlight the comfort and convenience of using a gamepad, especially for those who prefer a more relaxed gaming experience. Some players find it easier to execute complex attacks and movements with a controller.

    Community Perspectives

    Players in the Hades subreddit offer diverse perspectives on the mouse and keyboard versus controller debate. While some prefer the precision of a mouse for aiming, others value the familiarity and ease of use of a controller. Ultimately, the choice between input methods comes down to personal preference and playstyle.

    The ongoing discussion reflects the passionate player base of Hades and the variety of ways in which gamers approach this critically acclaimed title. Whether you’re a mouse and keyboard purist or a dedicated controller user, the most important thing is to enjoy the game and have fun exploring the depths of the Underworld in Hades.