Hades Patch 3: Is the Game Getting Easier? – Reddit User Reactions

Reddit users discuss whether Hades has become easier after Patch 3. Find out their verdicts here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are buzzing about the recent Patch 3 and whether it’s making the game a walk in the park or still a challenge. Let’s dive into the subreddit to uncover the sentiments and reactions.


  • Players feel that Patch 3 has made the game easier overall.
  • The changes have been well-received but some worry about the lack of challenging options.
  • There’s a mix of feedback on the fear mechanic and its impact on difficulty.

Positive Sentiments

ChrisBot8 acknowledges the ease and suggests adding fear for a challenge, showing acceptance of the game’s evolving dynamics.

DuggieHS appreciates the buffs and how they’ve enhanced gameplay, pointing out specific exceptions to the overall trend of easier gameplay.

Numphyyy praises the devs for considering community feedback, making the game more enjoyable and addictive.

Negative Sentiments

wsgwsg expresses concern over certain fear levels not being fun and suggests additional challenging options to counterbalance the game’s perceived ease.

sklimtch delves into the lack of impact fear has on player empowerment, contrasting it with other games’ difficulty scaling methods.

casualredditor43 reminisces about a previous build, highlighting the effects of Patch 3 on individual playstyles and preferences.

Chance-Range2855 simply states that the game is now more fun, implying a shift towards easier and potentially more enjoyable gameplay.

The diverse range of opinions on Hades’ increasing accessibility post-Patch 3 reflects the community’s evolving expectations and desires for both challenge and enjoyment. Whether players seek more difficulty options or revel in the newfound fun, the discourse continues to shape the gaming experience.