Hades Reddit Rant: The Fiery Frustrations of Immobility

Standing in fire shouldn't be a warm welcome to hex activation, as redditors discuss in the Hades subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are up in arms over fire damage ticking during immobile hex activation, leading to fiery frustration and ComicCon-worthy dramatic exits. Let’s dive into the smoldering inferno of complaints and witty retorts!


  • Players enraged by fire damage during hex activation
  • Debate on skill vs. game mechanics
  • Suggestions for game improvement

Fanning the Flames

Redpony6’s fiery demise against the Eris boss sparked a discussion on the unfair fire damage during immobile hex activation. The community was split between blaming the game mechanics and player skill, creating a heated debate worthy of an Olympian clash.

Burning Opinions

Kaleb314 threw shade, calling it a “skill issue,” while HawkofBattle spun a tale of despair with a hint of sarcasm. Some players like YouGuysSuckSometimes criticized the hex animation altogether, suggesting a complete revamp.

Playing with Fire

DSouT proposed a middle ground, advocating for consequences for standing in fire rather than removing it from the fight. Pistachioshell threw some tough love, pointing out player responsibility in avoiding fire during crucial moments.

The Comedy Relief

SimpleEngMongo lightened the mood with a Hypnos quote, while 4ShotMan expressed confidence in the developers to address the issue in future updates.