Hades: Revenant Spawn Time – A Deep Dive into Player Frustrations

Vent your frustrations with Hades' revisiting revenant spawn times in a flash!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, players are expressing their annoyance at the lengthy spawn times of revenants. These phantom foes take their sweet time deciding whether to grace you with their presence, leading to unnecessary waiting periods. And to add insult to injury, sometimes they respawn multiple times, turning a simple encounter into a frustrating loop.


  • Players find revenant spawn times tedious and time-consuming
  • Touching revenant orbs immediately destroys them and prevents respawns
  • Revenants lead to unnecessary delays in fear runs

Frustrations Galore

Player ‘alpha_pinene’ expresses agitation at the extended decision-making process of revenants when playing in fear mode. The constant respawning of these foes only adds to the frustration, making the gameplay more tedious than challenging. This sentiment is echoed by numerous players in the community.

Learning Curve

‘OpaOpa13’ offers a helpful tip to counter the revenant issue, highlighting that touching the orbs immediately destroys them, preventing the spawn of new enemies. This insight can significantly reduce the annoyance caused by revenants and streamline the gameplay experience.

Elysium Flashback

‘RevEviefy’ draws a fun comparison between encountering revenants and navigating through Elysium, suggesting that handling the orbs akin to an Elysium flashback. This lighthearted take on the situation showcases how players find ways to cope with and even enjoy challenging aspects of the game.