Hades: Should Treasure Trove Rewards Increase in Later Areas?

Gamers discuss if Hades should scale up treasure trove rewards.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Hades, players are debating whether treasure trove rewards should increase in later areas. One Reddit user, InternationalUse8141, suggests keeping the time to complete them the same but increasing the maximum amount based on the area.


  • Players want more lucrative rewards as they progress in Hades
  • Scaling rewards in accordance with difficulty levels could enhance gameplay

Players’ Perspectives

One player, ajs723, notes, “Nothing really scales up in Hades. Rewards in the first chamber are the same as rewards in the final chamber. I’m pretty sure troves benefit from boons that increase your money gain though.”

Rewards Are Key

Many users feel that increasing treasure trove rewards in later areas would provide a better sense of progression and reward for players’ efforts. The current system, where rewards remain stagnant throughout the game, may lead to a lack of motivation to explore further

Game Balance

Some players argue that Hades’ balance lies in its consistent reward system. Introducing scaling rewards could potentially disrupt the overall game difficulty and progression

Community Wishlist

The general consensus among players seems to lean towards the desire for an increase in treasure trove rewards in later areas. This change could potentially enhance the overall experience and sense of achievement within the game