Hades Takes the Lead: Community Buzz Around Hades 1 vs. Hades 2

Why has Hades surpassed Hades 2 on Steam Deck charts? Dive into the community's insights and recommendations on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades has been making waves in the gaming community, overtaking Hades II on the Steam Deck charts. Let’s uncover the reasons behind this shift and explore the community’s sentiments.


  • Players are revisiting Hades 1 amidst Hades 2 hype.
  • Recommendations lean towards experiencing Hades 1 first.
  • Positive reception towards Hades leading to increased interest in the series.

Revisiting Hades 1

Many users mentioned revisiting Hades 1 in anticipation of Hades 2’s full release. Some see it as a way to relive the original’s brilliance while waiting for the sequel to mature.

Positive Recommendations

Players unanimously recommend diving into Hades 1 before moving onto Hades 2, citing the former’s rich gameplay experience and the value it adds to the overall series.

Impact of Hades 2 Hype

The buzz surrounding Hades 2 has indirectly boosted interest in the original game, with many players discovering or reintroducing themselves to Hades 1 due to the sequel’s acclaim.

These various factors have contributed to the resurgence of Hades 1 in the gaming community, showcasing its enduring appeal and gameplay depth.