Hades: The Game That’s Stuck in Your Head

Join the hilarious discussion about the legendary Hades quote lingering in everyone's minds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades, the popular roguelike game from Supergiant Games, is not just about gameplay; it’s about the memes it spawns. A recent Reddit post by ThaLoreKeeper has ignited a frenzy of laughter within the Hades community with a simple yet unforgettable reference.


  • The Hades community finds humor in unexpected moments, turning even the smallest references into viral memes.
  • Shared experiences create a sense of camaraderie among players, bonding over common jokes and memories.
  • Hades isn’t just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon that extends beyond gameplay to community interactions.
  • The power of nostalgia and humor keeps players engaged long after they’ve put down the controller.

The Legendary Memes of Hades

ThaLoreKeeper’s post struck a chord with the community, evoking a wave of shared memories and inside jokes. User British-Raj’s response of ‘Bravo Warren Worb’ encapsulated the sentiment perfectly, acknowledging the hilarity of the situation. It’s moments like these that define the Hades community, where even the most random references become cherished memories.

The Impact of a Simple Phrase

Deleore’s comment, ‘Well that makes two of us now :’)’, reflects the sense of unity that arises from shared experiences. Hades isn’t just a game; it’s a bond that unites players worldwide through its humor and wit. Even mcsonboy, though initially resistant, couldn’t escape the infectious nature of the reference, showcasing the game’s ability to leave a lasting impression.

Cultivating Community Through Laughter

LeafBreakfast’s words, ‘Oh my god I’m not alone! I smirk a little every time I hear it lmao’, echo the sentiments of many players who find solace in knowing that others share their quirky obsessions. In a world filled with chaos, Hades provides a haven of laughter and camaraderie, where even the smallest jokes can spark joy and connection.

Winter7296’s admiration for a particular edit showcases the creativity and passion within the community, highlighting how fans go above and beyond to celebrate the game they love. Through humor and fan-made content, players keep the spirit of Hades alive long after they’ve completed their runs.

LizardOrgMember5’s ‘Slipping Hermes’ and Lucky_Queen’s ‘Hahaha, Yes!’ further emphasize the playful nature of the community, where even a simple phrase can evoke fits of laughter and camaraderie. It’s these shared moments of joy that make Hades not just a game, but a cherished experience that transcends the digital realm.

AgentX990’s humorous yet slightly exasperated response, ‘Fuck you. I played over 70+, if after this I start thinking about it like you now, I will be so angry! Up voting this to spread chaos’, encapsulates the dual feelings of annoyance and amusement that define the Hades community. It’s this blend of emotions that keeps players coming back for more, eager to experience the unexpected and relish in the sheer hilarity that unfolds.