Hades: The Pom vs. Hammer Dilemma Explained

Hilarious Reddit post on choosing between Pom and hammer in Hades. What's the right call?

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players face the eternal dilemma of choosing between Pom and the hammer. One wrong click, and the regret sets in.


  • The Pom vs. Hammer debate in Hades sparks heated discussions among players.
  • Some prefer the guaranteed upgrade Pom offers, while others crave the potential power spikes from hammers.
  • The element of risk and reward plays a significant role in players’ decisions.

The Dilemma: Pom or Hammer?

The author’s accidental selection of Pom over the hammer led to a series of comments reflecting both amusement and empathy from the Hades community. User ‘shorse_hit’ shares a tip, noting that skipping hammers doesn’t spell disaster as they’ll resurface later in the game. This reassurance aligns with the sentiment that choices in Hades, even mistaken ones, are rarely game-ending.

Player Perspectives

User ‘Gussie-Ascendent’ delves deeper into the Pom vs. hammer dynamic, highlighting how certain hammers may not always be beneficial. They express a preference for Pom due to its reliability, but admit to still being lured by the allure of potential benefits from hammers. This reveals the nuanced decision-making process players engage in, weighing risk against reward.

Community Humor

The light-hearted nature of the post is emphasized by user ‘Valerim’s’ simple response of ‘lmfao,’ capturing the comedic essence of the situation. It’s this shared sense of amusement and camaraderie among players that adds to the charm of the Hades community.

The Pom vs. hammer debate serves as a microcosm of the larger decisions players face in Hades, where every choice contributes to the overall journey and experience. In the ever-shifting world of the Underworld, one click can shape the fate of Zagreus, leading to moments of regret, amusement, and ultimately, growth.