Hades: To Buy or Not to Buy – A Gamer’s Dilemma Solved!

Choosing between Hades I and Hades II? Find out what Reddit users suggest for your ultimate gaming adventure!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you torn between purchasing Hades I, Hades II, or both? In the whirlwind of excitement surrounding the series, Reddit users weigh in on the best path to gaming nirvana.


  • Start with Hades I to gauge your interest in the franchise.
  • Consider waiting for Hades II full release for a complete gaming experience.
  • Some recommend experiencing the evolution from Hades I to Hades II for a deeper appreciation.

Hades I: A Gateway Drug?

For many users, Hades I serves as the gateway to the captivating world of the franchise. Unraveling the story, mastering the mechanics, and immersing oneself in the lore are all part of the allure.

Hades II: The Early Access Temptation

While some users advocate for diving into Hades II during early access for a fresh experience, others prefer waiting for the polished full release to savor every moment the game has to offer.

Gamer’s Verdict

Ultimately, the decision between Hades I, Hades II, or both boils down to personal preference. Whether you seek immediate gratification or anticipation for the complete saga, the Hades universe promises an unforgettable gaming journey.