Hades Who Nose: A Perspective Misunderstanding

Hades fans debate whether the character has a 'Who nose' or a misunderstood perspective.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades fans are in a frenzy over a Reddit post where one user’s girlfriend claims Hades has a ‘Who nose.’ Let’s dive into the hilarious thread!


  • Users debate if it’s a ‘Who nose’ or just a matter of perspective.
  • Some point out the angle and shadows as the reason for the illusion.
  • Others humorously suggest the girlfriend needs a lesson in facial hair.

Users Debate the Nose

Hades fans are split between those defending the character’s nose and others asserting it’s a matter of angle and shading. User, ‘DuchessVonDucki,’ comically questions the girlfriend’s awareness of perspective, sparking a wave of witty commentary.

Facial Hair Fiascos

Some users, like ‘Travelinjack01,’ divert the discussion to facial hair intricacies, explaining how a beard or mustache can create optical illusions if not considered correctly. ‘Bakomusha’ takes a humorous approach, suggesting the girlfriend is being ‘evil’ with her observation.

The Laugh Riot Continues

As the banter unfolds, ‘Darker_Syzygy’ playfully remarks on the lack of humor from the critics, while ‘Ancient-Ad-3254’ acknowledges the post as an unforgettable sight. The community’s quirky humor shines through as they dissect the hilarious misunderstanding.