Hades: Will This Song Ever Stop? Gamers Discuss the Catchy Jingles in Hades

Join the Hades subreddit as gamers share their struggle with earworms from the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sneak peek into the Hades fandom reveals gamers struggling with earworms from the game. Can’t get that tune out of your head? You’re not alone.


  • Gamers can’t escape the catchy tunes of Hades, with songs replaying in their heads all day.
  • The community shares tips and tricks to cope with the persistent jingles.
  • Discussion around the music in Hades showcases the impact of sound design on player experience.

Obsessed with Earworms

One user, KittySpinEcho, expresses frustration over a Hades song that keeps looping in their mind. They humorously acknowledge the infectious nature of the music, highlighting the struggle of waking up to a mental playlist.

Syren Songs and Immortality

Commenter nach_in draws parallels between the persistent song in Hades and Od’s eternal torment of hearing the syren song, even in death. This philosophical take on eternal earworms resonates with the community.

Artist Appreciation

InexplicableJoy shifts the focus to the talented featured artist, Roxy (Ashley Barrett), emphasizing how her contribution elevates the overall musical experience in Hades. The collaboration between artistry and gameplay creates a deeper connection for players.

Decoding the Earworm

Themir81 takes a practical approach by offering a solution to combat the relentless earworm. By sharing a link to a video that supposedly helps negate the song’s effect, they provide a light-hearted remedy to a common gamer woe.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Hades, where even the music refuses to let go. It’s a testament to the game’s immersive quality when the tunes linger long after the gameplay ends. Whether you find solace in shared struggles or seek ways to break free from the musical entrapment, the Hades community stands as a testament to the game’s lasting impact.