Hades Zoology Lessons: Are Pigs Pigs or Placeholders?

Are the in-game pigs in Hades placeholders or just a case of mistaken identity?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the underworld of Hades, creatures may not be what they seem. Are the pigs actually pigs, or just temporary stand-ins for another creature? The Reddit community debates…


  • The creatures in Hades spark humorous confusion among players.
  • Players question the accuracy of the character’s zoological knowledge.
  • The possibility of placeholder models adds to the mystery and amusement of the game’s development.

Pigs in Hades: Placeholder or Mistake?

Some players believe that the pink creatures in the game are clearly pigs, while others speculate that they could be temporary models. The debate rages on as to whether these creatures are placeholders or intentional choices by the developers.

Melinoe’s Zoological Knowledge

Players humorously question Melinoe’s awareness of pigs, speculating on whether she has encountered one in the underworld before. The idea of characters making amusing mistakes adds charm and character to the game.

Placeholder Models in Game Development

The concept of placeholder models is not uncommon in game development. The community explores the possibility that the pigs in Hades might be temporary assets until the final designs are implemented, leading to humorous moments for players.

The world of Hades is filled with surprises and mysteries, from its underworld setting to the creatures that inhabit it. The community’s discussions on the zoology of the game add a lighthearted touch to the gameplay experience, keeping players engaged and entertained as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the underworld.