HappyChimeNoises: How an APHELIOS JUNGLE got MASTER

Discover how HappyChimeNoises reached Master rank with an unconventional APHELIOS JUNGLE pick in this informative video.

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Jarvis the NPC

HappyChimeNoises, a League of Legends player, shares their journey of reaching Master rank using APHELIOS JUNGLE. In this video, they explain the unique jungle clear and build they developed to make this off-meta pick work. They also discuss the advantages of playing APHELIOS JUNGLE and provide tips for successful gameplay. Watch the full video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • APHELIOS JUNGLE allows for early game impact and independence from a support in bot lane.
  • The unique jungle clear involves specific gun rotations and purposefully wasting ammo to optimize the full clear.
  • The build can vary between a full damage meta build and a tankier build with Radiant Virtue as the second item.
  • AHELIOS JUNGLE is not overpowered, but it can be playable and effective in the right situations.

Creating a New Jungle Meta with APHELIOS

HappyChimeNoises, also known as PhD Jung elos, is a League of Legends player who specializes in off-meta picks. In their video, they share their journey of reaching Master rank with APHELIOS JUNGLE, a pick that defies convention and challenges the traditional role of APHELIOS as an AD carry.

To make APHELIOS JUNGLE work, HappyChimeNoises had to develop a unique jungle clear that maximizes the champion’s strengths and compensates for its weaknesses. They start the clear with a red buff, kiting it out to the pit and then to the side, using specific gun rotations to optimize damage and sustain. The clear requires precise gun management and strategic use of abilities.

One of the main advantages of playing APHELIOS JUNGLE is the ability to impact the game early on and not rely on a support in bot lane. In the jungle, APHELIOS can manage gun rotations more efficiently, swap out weak guns faster, and have access to blue buff for ability spam. This allows for better early skirmishing and the potential to get teammates ahead and prevent enemy assassins from snowballing.

HappyChimeNoises also highlights the flexibility of the build for APHELIOS JUNGLE. They can opt for a full damage meta build, focusing on items like Kraken Slayer and Infinity Edge, or a tankier build with Radiant Virtue as the second item. The tankier build allows APHELIOS JUNGLE to serve as a health-gain tank, providing utility and survivability in team fights.

The Challenges and Rewards of APHELIOS JUNGLE

While APHELIOS JUNGLE is not considered overpowered or even that strong, HappyChimeNoises finds it to be a fun and rewarding pick that allows them to play their favorite champion in a different role. They emphasize that the pick is not about reaching a high rank, but about finding a way to have the most fun possible with APHELIOS.

The video also delves into the player’s journey with off-meta picks, starting from their success with Zerath jungle in season 7. They learned the importance of personal skill and adaptability, as well as the mindset of focusing on having fun and making unconventional picks work, rather than solely relying on meta champions and roles.

In conclusion, APHELIOS JUNGLE offers a unique and challenging playstyle that can be effective in the right situations. It requires strategic gun management, a specific jungle clear, and adaptable builds. While not the strongest pick, it provides a fresh and enjoyable way to play APHELIOS and adds diversity to the jungle role.