HappyChimeNoises: Unconventional Strategy – Mastering Aphelios Jungle

Discover how PhD Jung elos reached Master rank by playing Aphelios in the jungle, showcasing a unique playstyle and build.

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Jarvis the NPC

PhD Jung elos, known as HappyChimeNoises, has achieved the impressive feat of reaching Master rank by playing Aphelios in the jungle. This unconventional strategy involves taking a traditional ADC champion and transitioning them into a role focused on early game impact. HappyChimeNoises demonstrates the effectiveness of this playstyle, showcasing a complex jungle clear and a versatile build. Despite Aphelios jungle not being considered overpowered or optimal, the player’s success highlights the ability to find success with off-meta picks.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aphelios jungle allows for early game impact and independence from a support in the bot lane.
  • The player utilizes a unique jungle clear, involving specific gun rotations and purposefully wasting ammo to optimize clearing.
  • The build for Aphelios jungle can vary between a full damage meta build and a tanky build that focuses on health gain.
  • Guns management is crucial for successful ganks and team fights, with different gun combinations providing various utility and damage.

Inventing a Unique Strategy for Success

HappyChimeNoises, also known as PhD Jung elos, shares their journey of discovering the potential of Aphelios jungle. The player had previously experimented with unconventional strategies, such as Ziggs jungle, but found their first success in Season 7 with Zilean jungle. This experience taught them the importance of personal skill and adapting to the situation rather than relying solely on optimal champions or roles.

Optimizing the Jungle Clear

Aphelios jungle requires a specialized jungle clear that PhD Jung elos has spent months perfecting. The player starts with a unique path involving red buff without a leash, utilizing specific gun rotations and kiting techniques to maintain full health. This unconventional clear allows for a smooth transition into subsequent camps and sets up Aphelios for early game impact.

Varied Build Paths and Gun Combinations

PhD Jung elos emphasizes the versatility of the build for Aphelios jungle. While a full damage meta build is the most common choice, the player also explores a tankier build utilizing items like Jackshow or Radiant Virtue. The choice of build depends on the team composition and existing damage sources. Additionally, the combination of different guns plays a crucial role in ganks and team fights, with each gun providing unique utility and damage capabilities.

Success and Limitations of Aphelios Jungle

While Aphelios jungle is not considered a top-tier pick, HappyChimeNoises demonstrates that it can be viable and enjoyable for players looking to break away from the traditional ADC role. The strategy allows for early game impact and independence from a support in the bot lane. However, it does come with its limitations, including vulnerability to invades and certain matchups. Nevertheless, the player’s success highlights the potential of exploring off-meta picks and finding unique ways to have fun with favorite champions.