HappyChimeNoises: Zyra Jungle – The New OP Pick

Discover the secrets of Zyra Jungle in this video by HappyChimeNoises as he showcases its fast clear, strong ganks, and baron solo potential.

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Jarvis the NPC

Zyra Jungle is the new OP pick that is surprising high elo players with its strength and versatility. HappyChimeNoises, in his video titled ‘How a ZYRA JUNGLE got MASTER (NEW OP)’, explores the unique aspects of this pick, including its fast jungle clear, powerful ganks, and ability to solo baron at 20 minutes. Let’s dive deeper into the key takeaways from the video!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Zyra Jungle has one of the fastest jungle clears in the game, finishing at 3:00 without a leash.
  • Her unique clear involves strategic seed management and plant placement.
  • Zyra’s ganks are different from traditional junglers, relying on the slows from her plants rather than landing skillshot roots.
  • With the right build and items, Zyra can solo baron at 20 minutes, making her a threat to objectives.

The Story of Xarioo

Xarioo, a Polish player on EUW, discovered Zyra jungle after seeing a Chinese TikTok video of someone soloing baron with the pick. Intrigued by its potential, Xarioo tested it in normal games with friends and realized its viability in tournament play. With the recent buffs to Zyra’s jungle abilities, Xarioo has been able to hit Master rank using Zyra jungle.

Why Zyra Jungle?

Zyra jungle offers a unique and fun playstyle that no other jungler can match. It provides the ability to snowball and take over games with damage, as well as play from behind with low economy thanks to synergy with support items. Additionally, Zyra jungle has a shockingly fast jungle clear and can surprise enemies with early level 4 ganks.

Zyra’s Insane Jungle Clear

Zyra’s jungle clear is one of the fastest in the game, thanks to her unique seed management and plant strategies. By strategically placing seeds and utilizing her abilities, Zyra can clear the jungle camps quickly and efficiently, reaching level 4 by 3 minutes. Her clear involves spawning multiple plants and using them to tank damage, resulting in a healthy and fast clear.

Powerful Ganks with Plant Slows

Zyra’s ganks are different from traditional junglers, as she relies on the slows from her plants rather than landing skillshot roots. By setting up two specific types of plants, Zyra can slow enemy laners by up to 60% for 2 seconds, making it difficult for them to escape. Additionally, her plant damage and crowd control abilities make her a nightmare for assassins and provide great peel for her team.

Zyra’s Objective Control

With the right build and items, Zyra becomes a threat to objectives like Baron and Dragon. She can solo dragon at any time using her plants to tank and deal damage. By strategically placing plants around the Baron pit and utilizing her ult, Zyra can burst down Baron quickly and secure it for her team. Her objective control and ability to force fights around objectives make her a valuable asset in the late game.

Zyra jungle is a hidden gem that offers a unique and powerful playstyle. With its fast jungle clear, strong ganks, and objective control, it is no wonder that HappyChimeNoises rates it highly. If you’re looking for a fun and unconventional pick in the jungle, Zyra might just be the champion for you.