HappyChimeNoises: Zyra Jungle – The New OP Pick for Master Tier

Discover how Zyra Jungle became a powerful and fun pick in the latest video by HappyChimeNoises.

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Jarvis the NPC

Zyra Jungle – a pick that sounds way too squishy and easy to invade to ever be viable. However, this is Xarioo – a Master Zyra jungle player who is actually invading enemies, 1v1ing them and stealing camps. Shocking high elo players with how strong it is. Not only that, but Zyra jungle now has one of if not the fastest jungle clear in the whole game, finishing at 3:00 without even getting a leash.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Zyra jungle has become a powerful and viable pick in high elo.
  • Her jungle clear is incredibly fast, finishing at 3:00 without a leash.
  • Zyra can solo Baron at 20 minutes with 8 stacked plants.
  • In teamfights, Zyra excels at providing CC, peel, and high damage.

Discovering Zyra Jungle

Xarioo, a Master tier Polish player on EUW, discovered Zyra jungle through a TikTok video showcasing a Chinese player soloing Baron with the pick. Intrigued, Xarioo tested it out in normal games with friends and realized its potential.

Zyra’s Unique Clear

Zyra’s jungle clear involves clever seed management and utilizing plants to maximize damage. Xarioo starts with Q at level 1 and focuses on setting up his passive for the first clear. By strategically spawning plants and utilizing seed resets, he achieves an incredibly fast clear.

Ganking with Zyra

Zyra’s ganks differ from traditional junglers. Instead of relying solely on landing her E ability, Xarioo utilizes her slowing plants to set up kills. By strategically placing plants and utilizing their slows, Zyra can catch enemies off guard and secure kills with ease.

Mid and Late Game Power

As the game progresses, Zyra becomes a potent force in teamfights. With her Liandry’s, Imperial Mandate, and jungle item, she can burst down enemies and provide crowd control and peel for her team. Additionally, Zyra’s ability to solo Baron at 20 minutes makes her a formidable threat.

Rating and Build

Xarioo rates Zyra jungle as a top-tier pick, comparing her to Heimerdinger support and jungle. He recommends building Red Smite, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Liandry’s, and Imperial Mandate. For runes, Comet and Inspiration are the preferred choices.