Harbingers of Ruin: Last Epoch QoL Patch 1.1 Updates & Community Excitement

Discover the latest changes and player reactions in the Last Epoch community post-patch 1.1!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch’s Patch 1.1 brings Quality of Life improvements and more to players. Read on to find out why the community is buzzing with excitement!


  • Players excited for QoL improvements and farming upgrades.
  • Community pleased with ward changes and loot filter enhancements.
  • Positive reception towards blessings and channeling skill modifications.

Community Reactions to Patch 1.1

Players are thrilled with the changes that Patch 1.1 brings to Last Epoch. The introduction of Quality of Life improvements has been a major hit, with many commending the development team for addressing player concerns…

Excitement Over Blessing Changes

The blessings updates have caught the attention of many players, with the community expressing satisfaction over the enhancements…

Ward Changes and Loot Filters

One of the standout features of Patch 1.1 is the adjustments to ward mechanics and loot filters. Players are particularly pleased with these changes…

Channeling Skill Enhancements

Players have shown great enthusiasm for the modifications to channeling skills, citing them as a highlight of the new patch…

Players eagerly anticipate delving into the new content and experiencing the improvements firsthand. With the positive reactions circulating within the community, it’s clear that Patch 1.1 has struck a chord with Last Epoch players, setting the stage for an exciting gameplay experience.