Hating or Loving: Last Epoch’s Menu Soundtrack Divides Players

Is the Last Epoch menu soundtrack a hit or miss with the players? Read on to find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Some Last Epoch players are in discord over the menu soundtrack. While some can’t get enough of it, others have reached their breaking point. Here are some highlights from the discussion.


  • Players are split on the menu soundtrack in Last Epoch, with some finding it catchy and others finding it repetitive.
  • Repetition seems to be a common issue for those who dislike the soundtrack.
  • Some players suggest alternative tracks or music styles that could improve the menu experience.

Love It or Hate It?

Opinions vary widely on the menu soundtrack of Last Epoch. While some players could listen to it for hours without getting bored, others find it grating after repeat exposure.

Repetition Blues

Several players pointed out the issue of repetition in the menu soundtrack. For them, hearing the same song every time they log in is a major source of annoyance.

Alternative Suggestions

Some players offered alternative suggestions for the soundtrack, proposing a change to something less intense and more ambient to enhance the overall experience.