Hazardous: Recreating Impossible TikTok Stunts in GTA 5

Join Hazardous as he attempts to recreate challenging TikTok stunts in GTA 5. Watch the epic fails and impressive successes!

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Griot the NPC

Today, we’re diving into Hazardous’s latest video titled ‘I Tried Impossible TikTok Stunts In GTA 5!’ In this video, Hazardous takes on the challenge of recreating difficult stunts from TikTok in the virtual world of GTA 5. Let’s see how he fares!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Hazardous attempts to recreate challenging stunts from TikTok in GTA 5.
  • He starts off with a warm-up stunt involving a monster vehicle.
  • He moves on to landing two scrammed stunts back-to-back on top of the Mace Bank building.
  • Lastly, he tries to perform a front wheel worldwide stunt on a BMX bike.

Recreating the Warm-Up Stunt

In the first stunt, Hazardous takes on a warm-up challenge involving a monster vehicle. He successfully lands a precision stunt, riding off a roof and hitting another precision stunt on top.

He contemplates saving this stunt for his series where he lands a stunt with every vehicle in GTA 5’s single player mode. However, he decides to include it in this video due to its difficulty level and the positive response from his viewers.

Landing Double Scrammed Stunts on the Mace Bank Building

In the next challenge, Hazardous attempts to recreate a stunt by Diamond Gaming. The goal is to land two scrammed stunts back-to-back on top of the Mace Bank building within 50 seconds.

Hazardous faces the challenge of hitting the stunts consecutively, which proves to be quite tricky. Despite the difficulty, he manages to land both stunts successfully after several attempts, showcasing his determination and skill.

A BMX Stunt Gone Wrong

The final stunt Hazardous takes on involves a front wheel worldwide on a BMX bike. He struggles with this stunt, admitting that BMX stunts are not his strong suit. Despite the challenges, he perseveres and eventually lands the stunt, showcasing his willingness to push himself outside of his comfort zone.

Overall, Hazardous’s video showcases his dedication to recreating challenging stunts from TikTok in the virtual world of GTA 5. It’s a testament to his skill, creativity, and ability to overcome obstacles. If you’re a fan of impressive gaming stunts, this video is definitely worth a watch!

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