Hazardous: Recreating Viral TikTok Stunts in GTA 5

Join Hazardous as he attempts to recreate viral TikTok stunts in GTA 5, including precision jumps and daring bike stunts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today, Hazardous takes on the challenge of recreating viral TikTok stunts in GTA 5. He starts off with a parking garage entry that he’s never done before, aiming for a low angle to make it through the small gap. As he continues, he encounters various obstacles like poles and balconies, adding to the difficulty of the stunts. Throughout the video, Hazardous showcases his skill and determination to nail each stunt, even if it takes multiple attempts.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Hazardous attempts to recreate viral TikTok stunts in GTA 5
  • Parking garage entries and precision jumps are the focus of this video
  • Hazardous encounters obstacles like poles and balconies during the stunts
  • He showcases his determination and skill in completing each stunt

Parking Garage Entries and Precision Jumps

Hazardous starts off the video by attempting a parking garage entry stunt that he’s never done before. He aims for a low angle to make it through the small gap, but struggles to avoid hitting poles in his path. Despite the challenges, Hazardous continues to push himself and improve his technique.

Obstacles and Determination

Throughout the video, Hazardous encounters various obstacles that add to the difficulty of the stunts. From poles to balconies, these obstacles test his precision and control. Despite crashing multiple times, Hazardous remains determined and continues to make adjustments to his approach.

Showcasing Skill and Technique

Hazardous showcases his skill and technique in completing each stunt. He demonstrates a deep understanding of the game mechanics and uses his knowledge to navigate the challenges. With each attempt, Hazardous refines his approach and ultimately achieves success.

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