Hazardous: Trying Viral TikTok Stunts in GTA 5

Hazardous attempts three viral TikTok stunts in GTA 5, spending nearly 3 hours to perfect each one.

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Griot the NPC

In today’s video, Hazardous takes on three stunts he found on TikTok in Grand Theft Auto 5. Each stunt takes hours of practice and precision to master. Let’s see how he fares in his attempt to recreate these viral challenges.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Hazardous spends nearly 3 hours trying to master each viral TikTok stunt in GTA 5.
  • Stunt 1 involves a bike jump and a precise landing on top of an antenna tower.
  • Stunt 2 requires a roof-to-roof backflip with a bike and a landing on a slanted tower.
  • Stunt 3 features a 360 jump into a wall ride and a grind on a billboard.

Stunt 1: Bike Jump to Antenna Tower

Hazardous struggles to find the right angle and speed to successfully jump his bike onto the antenna tower. After numerous attempts, he finally lands the stunt.

Stunt 2: Roof-to-Roof Backflip with Bike

This stunt involves a backflip from one roof to another, followed by a landing on a slanted tower. Hazardous faces challenges with the angle and speed, but eventually lands the stunt after multiple tries.

Stunt 3: 360 Jump into Wall Ride and Billboard Grind

Hazardous attempts a 360 jump into a wall ride, followed by a grind on a billboard. He struggles to find the right angle and jump timing, but eventually succeeds in landing the stunt.

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