Helldivers: A Visual Twist to Solo Play Experience

Players discuss the need for a visual cue in Helldivers to aid solo players or those with hearing impairments.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, sometimes you just need a little visual nudge to get things aligned properly. A Reddit post delves into the necessity of a visual cue for solo players or those facing the challenge of hearing impairment.


  • Players suggest adding a visual indicator for alignment.
  • Community sees this as crucial for solo play and accessibility reasons.
  • Visual cue may enhance the overall gaming experience for various players.

Player Suggestions

SummerCrown emphasizes the importance of checking the alignment screen before making any moves, a quick and effective strategy.

Beatboombox raises the accessibility factor, suggesting the addition of a visual cue would greatly benefit players in the deaf community.

Ultrabadger applauds the idea, noting that as a player who sometimes misses audio cues, a visual aid would be a perfect solution.

The discussion in the Helldivers subreddit shines a spotlight on the diverse needs and preferences of gamers. It’s clear that even small design changes, like incorporating a visual cue, can make a significant difference in the overall gaming experience. As the community continues to voice their feedback and suggestions, it’s exciting to see how developers may implement these ideas to create a more inclusive and engaging gaming environment.