Helldivers: Arrowhead Armor Suggestion Sparks Color Customization Discussion

The Helldivers community is buzzing with ideas for armor customization options. Check out the heated debate on color choices!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers subreddit is abuzz with a new suggestion for armor customization, specifically focusing on color options for players’ gear. User Yurishenko94 started the thread with an armor proposal that sparked a lively discussion among the community.


  • Players are eager for color customization options to be introduced to the game.
  • The lack of customization features in the current armor sets has left some players wanting more personalization.
  • Some users express frustration with the development team’s focus on existing issues rather than implementing new features like color shaders.

Color Customization Craze

Users like FalkeECO are enthusiastic about the idea of color customization, suggesting options for both base color and accents. This could add a new level of personal flair to players’ loadouts and enhance the visual variety in-game.

Shady Shader Requests

On the other hand, memecut raises the issue of the current armor designs, particularly poking fun at the medic armor’s lackluster appearance. The demand for shaders indicates a desire for more visually appealing and detailed customization options.

Community Concerns

JunglerFromWish voices concerns about the development team’s ability to handle new features like shaders. They fear that introducing complex customization options may strain the team’s resources and result in further delays in fixing existing issues.

The Helldivers community’s passion for customization options shines through in this discussion, with users eagerly sharing their ideas and concerns about the potential for armor color customization. While some are optimistic about the prospect of player personalization, others express skepticism about the feasibility of implementing such features given the current development priorities.