Helldivers: Community Feedback on New Features

Helldivers community discusses the impact of new features and their testing process.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are sharing thoughts on recently introduced features and how they affect gameplay. A Reddit post titled ‘Please test new features before putting them in the game please 🙏’ by user Abrancito1 sparked a lively discussion. The post addresses concerns regarding the implementation of new elements in the game and their potential impact.


  • Players express frustration with Charger behavior during sandstorms.
  • Community members emphasize the importance of rigorous testing for new features.
  • Strategies for dealing with Charger behemoths are shared among players.

Charger Behavior Frustrations

Several players voiced frustration with Chargers ignoring visibility during sandstorms. User AdrawereR described how Chargers prioritize their charge attack, making them difficult to counter effectively during environmental challenges.

Testing and Feedback

Many players echoed the sentiment of the original post, emphasizing the necessity of thorough testing for new features before implementation. TheOneAndOnlyJAC humorously referred to players as the game’s testers, highlighting the community’s role in providing feedback.

Strategies for Combat

Players shared various strategies for dealing with Charger behemoths, such as targeting specific weak points or using specialized weapons. Cheap_Error3942 offered a pro tip on effectively stripping Charger armor with specific weapon movements, showcasing the community’s collaborative approach to overcoming challenges.

Overall, the Helldivers community remains actively engaged in discussing and addressing gameplay issues, underscoring the importance of player feedback in shaping the game’s future direction.