Helldivers – Community Reception to the Recent Patch

Helldivers fans express mixed emotions about the recent patch updates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans are expressing their thoughts on the recent patch changes, and the sentiments are quite mixed. Some are disappointed, while others see potential adjustments that could enhance gameplay. Let’s delve into the community discussion!


  • Heavy armor changes receive criticism for making players feel like walking coffins.
  • Players suggest adjustments to stamina drain and speed reductions for better gameplay.
  • Community members discuss the impact of headshots and suggest improvements for armor values.

Criticism on Heavy Armor Changes

Some players are disappointed with the recent heavy armor adjustments, with comments like, ‘Heavy Armor is only good if you want to save on funeral costs, it just turns you into a walking coffin.’ The drastic stamina drain and speed reductions have led players to feel vulnerable rather than protected.

Suggestions for Gameplay Improvements

Players recommend balancing heavy armor by doubling its value and addressing issues like glancing shots and scavenger claws. Suggestions include providing stagger immunity for heavy armor wearers to enhance gameplay experience.

Concerns About Headshots and Armor Value

Issues surrounding headshots causing full damage and the discrepancy in armor values for light, medium, and heavy armors have sparked discussions. Players feel that the recent changes have affected the overall gameplay dynamics, leading to frustration and decreased enjoyment.

The community’s feedback highlights a mix of disappointment and constructive criticism regarding the recent patch changes in Helldivers. It shows a passionate player base that cares deeply about the game’s balance and mechanics, hoping for improvements to enhance their gaming experience.