Helldivers: Community Wishlist and Suggestions

Helldivers community offers hilarious and innovative ideas for game improvements. Dive into their wishlist!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are at it again with their quirky and creative suggestions for game enhancements. From resistance to fire damage to sneaky electrical conduit tricks, the community is buzzing with inventive ideas. Let’s take a look at what they have to say!


  • Players request Firebat armor for greater resistance to fire damage.
  • Suggestions range from gameplay improvements to quality of life enhancements.
  • Community desires more impactful armors like Pyro armor from democratic detonation fire resistance.

Firebat Armor Resistance

Players, like , are wishing for Firebat armor with increased resistance to fire damage. It seems like everyone’s tired of catching on fire too easily. The idea of becoming fireproof in a game world filled with fiery challenges does sound appealing, doesn’t it?

Quality of Life Improvements

humorously mentions how the Arrowhead genie might grant their wish but with a tricky twist of having heavy armor that slows you down. It’s a funny take on the classic genie trope, highlighting the need for balanced improvements in the game.

Enhanced Armors

brings up a brilliant suggestion about the Electrical Conduit, proposing a boost in electrical damage or the ability to jump to additional enemies. Players see the armors as an opportunity for strategic advancements, hoping to make them more integral to gameplay.

Pyro Armor Reimagined

proposes replacing weaker recoil perks with fire resistance in the Pyro armor. It’s all about making the armors more relevant and impactful in combat situations, moving away from minor bonuses to substantial gameplay changes.

As the Helldivers community shares their wishlist for game improvements, it’s evident that players are eager for meaningful enhancements that contribute to both gameplay challenges and quality of life elements. The quirky suggestions and creative spins on existing features showcase the dedication and imagination of fans invested in making the game even more thrilling and engaging.