Helldivers: Exploring the Primal Faction Discussion

Dive into the debate over adding a Primal Faction to the Helldivers universe - dinosaurs or democracy?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, players are debating the possibility of a new Primal Faction being added to the game – dinosaurs, democracy, or both?


  • Players are split between wanting dinosaurs for diversity and unique gameplay vs. concerns about it feeling too similar to existing enemies.
  • Some suggest adding local wildlife for planets, while others dream of a Turok Helldiver simulator.
  • Artwork of potential dinosaur foes receives praise and enthusiasm from the community.
  • Speculation about new factions and alliances in the Helldivers universe sparks creative ideas and humor.

Exciting Diversity or Frustrating Similarity?

Some players express excitement at the prospect of encountering dinosaurs in the Helldivers universe, believing it would add a new dimension to gameplay. However, others voice concerns that dinosaurs may feel too similar to existing enemies like Bugs, potentially hindering the overall experience. One player suggests the incorporation of local wildlife specific to planets, offering a more diverse and immersive gameplay experience.

Dreaming of New Adventures

The idea of a Turok Helldiver simulator receives enthusiastic support from the community, with players expressing a desire for a unique gameplay twist that combines the best of both worlds. Additionally, artwork depicting potential dinosaur adversaries garners praise for its creativity and attention to detail, fueling the debate about the visual direction a Primal Faction could take.

Faction Frenzy

Speculation runs wild as players discuss the possibility of new factions and alliances within the Helldivers universe. From creating democratic dinosaurs to enlisting prehistoric creatures in the fight against Bugs and Bots, the community imagines a world where alliances are forged in the most unexpected ways. Humor and creativity abound as players share their wildest ideas and scenarios, showcasing the vibrant imagination of the Helldivers community.