Helldivers Feminine Voices: A Squad of Hilarity and Mayhem

Discover the chaos and laughter when the Helldivers squad uses feminine voices.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are having a blast using the feminine voices in the game, leading to hilarious moments and great memories.


  • Players enjoy the deranged and manic laughter of the feminine voices.
  • Some users suggest making videos or memes based on the voice lines.
  • There is a mix of appreciation for the humor and references in the voices.

Players’ Reactions to Feminine Voices

Many players are loving the unique voice lines, with one user mentioning, “Voice pack 3 is just the right kind of deranged when using a flamethrower/LMG.” The humor in the lines seems to bring a smile to their faces, creating a fun atmosphere during gameplay.

Community Interaction

Despite some differing opinions, the original poster expressed surprise at the angsty responses, aiming for a lighthearted post. The community’s varied reactions showcase the diverse preferences within the player base and highlight the importance of humor in the game.

Moments of Laughter and Fun

One player shared a hilarious experience where a newcomer played part of a track with a fitting intro before continuing the game, leading to a moment of shared laughter among the team. Such moments of unexpected humor add a layer of enjoyment to the Helldivers experience.