Helldivers Galactic War System Critique: Player Agency and Roleplay Impact

Join the Helldivers as they critique the Galactic War system and its impact on player agency and roleplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

I’ve been playing Helldivers 2 since its release (also a veteran of the first game) and I dislike the current system for the galactic war.


  • The current galactic war system in ‘Helldivers’ limits player agency and roleplay opportunities due to high decay rates.
  • Players feel frustrated that their efforts on non-major order planets seem futile and lack impact.
  • The system’s rigidity leads to a stagnant map state, hindering dynamic player-driven progress.

Aelok2’s Insight:

Aelok2 highlights the need for more accountability in player contributions to the liberation campaign, emphasizing the frustration of individual players’ limited impact.

Tobias-Is-Queen’s Take:

Tobias-Is-Queen shares the sentiment that Helldivers lack support from SEAF, suggesting a more collaborative, immersive faction dynamic in the game.

Luke-Likesheet’s Experience:

Luke-Likesheet expresses the demoralizing effect of seemingly futile efforts on non-MO planets, emphasizing the importance of feeling progression.

The Final Word:

Players of ‘Helldivers’ crave a system that fosters player agency, strategic depth, and immersive roleplay opportunities. The current galactic war mechanics stifle these desires, leading to frustration and a sense of disconnect for dedicated players.