Helldivers: How to Fix Reduced FPS Bug

Discover a bizarre workaround for the FPS bug in Helldivers by tweaking your Steam settings!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are grappling with a frustrating FPS bug that stems from an unexpected source. The post sheds light on an unconventional workaround to tackle this issue.


  • Unusual workaround for FPS bug revealed
  • Players divided on effectiveness of the fix
  • Community speculates on game’s coding challenges

Player Reactions

One player ridiculed the workaround, calling it an ‘abomination.’ Others expressed gratitude for finally seeing their friends list.

Workaround Controversy

Some players questioned the rationale behind a public friends list affecting in-game performance, sparking a debate on game optimization.

Hope for Future Fixes

While some players found the fix helpful, many hope for a more permanent solution from the developers to address this peculiar issue.