Helldivers: Opening Bunkers – The Ultimate Frustration

Struggling to get help at bunkers in Helldivers is more challenging than fighting enemies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the chaotic world of Helldivers, where players face countless foes and challenges, the true test of teamwork isn’t battling hordes of enemies but convincing someone to help open a single bunker.


  • Opening bunkers in Helldivers tests players’ coordination more than combat skills.
  • Players express frustration over teammates ignoring requests for help at bunkers.
  • Suggestions range from adding unique map markers to simplifying the opening process.

Struggling to Get Support

Many Helldivers players share tales of pleading for assistance at bunkers, only to be met with indifference or ignorance. Despite the game’s focus on teamwork, opening these bunkers often becomes a solo struggle.

Player Stories

One player, Ol_Scamp, longs for more voice lines to request help, humorously suggesting, “Bunker, help required.” Their wish highlights the need for better communication options in the game.

EinsamerZuhausi offers a simple yet amusing solution: “Easy solution. Add more yellow.” This witty remark captures the frustration players feel when their calls for aid go unnoticed.

Community’s Cry for Change

Players like Brucenstein express the need for a streamlined process, proposing a mechanism where one player can operate both buttons to open the bunker. This suggestion aims to reduce the dependency on unresponsive teammates, fostering a more cooperative environment.

BendNo6000 suggests using the chat feature to coordinate bunker openings efficiently, emphasizing the importance of clear communication in overcoming this obstacle.

AtlastheSaiyan stands out as a beacon of teamwork, always willing to assist with bunker openings. Their dedication showcases the positive aspects of the Helldivers community despite the challenges faced.

While some players feel resigned to the lack of cooperation, quentariusquincy highlights the potential rewards that could incentivize players to work together, suggesting exclusive rewards for opening bunkers successfully.

Despite the struggles, players like slick_pick inject humor into the situation, resorting to creative methods like yelling ‘follow me’ in the hope of garnering support.

The battle to open bunkers in Helldivers magnifies the complexities of teamwork in the face of adversity. While some players embrace the challenge, others seek practical solutions to enhance the cooperative experience.