Helldivers Patch: Does It Fix the Issues or Create More Chaos?

The latest patch for Helldivers is causing mixed reactions among players, with some experiencing game-breaking issues while others noticing improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers, the popular cooperative twin-stick shooter, recently released a patch that promised to address some of the game’s long-standing issues. However, the community’s response has been divided, with players reporting both positive and negative experiences.


  • Some players are still unable to join lobbies despite the patch.
  • Others report improvements, such as the ability to see S.O.S games on the map.
  • There are reports of game crashes and errors after installing the patch.

Positive Experiences:

One player, B00NIE, mentioned that they can now see S.O.S games on the map, which is a positive change. However, they still face issues joining lobbies, even after trying various troubleshooting steps, such as disabling crossplay and resetting their console.

Jaded-Building-1064 simply asked, “So does it work?” suggesting that they were hopeful about the patch. Unfortunately, no further comments were provided to gauge their experience.

Negative Experiences:

-feminineboy- expressed frustration, stating that the patch didn’t fix all the problems and prevented them from playing the game altogether. They did not elaborate on the specific issues they faced, leaving room for speculation.

ProphetxZero encountered a severe issue where the patch crashed their entire game and prevented it from launching. Despite attempting to resolve the issue by reinstalling the game, the errors persisted, rendering the game unplayable.

The Helldivers community appears to be divided over the recent patch. Some players are experiencing improvements, such as the visibility of S.O.S games, while others are encountering game-breaking bugs and crashes. It’s evident that the patch has had mixed results, leaving a portion of the player base unable to enjoy the game as intended.