Helldivers: Players Call for ‘HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR’ Voiceline

Players discuss the need for a new 'HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR' voiceline in Helldivers for smoother teamwork.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, opening friendship doors can be a true test of camaraderie. One Reddit thread delves into the necessity of a help voiceline for this exact situation, sparking various opinions from the community on ease of access and teamwork.


  • Players want a ‘HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR’ voiceline for smoother teamwork.
  • Suggestions range from highlighting buttons to blasting doors open with stratagems.
  • Players express frustration over lack of cooperation in opening friendship doors.

Voiceline Request

Some players advocate for Arrowhead Studios to include a specific ‘HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR’ voiceline to streamline the process of teamwork, especially in challenging situations like opening friendship doors. This addition could enhance cooperation and efficiency during gameplay.

Cooperation Struggles

Several comments highlight the difficulties players face in getting others to assist in opening bunker doors, with one user even turning it into a fun Helldive challenge. The frustration of spamming instructions in chat without receiving the desired response is a common sentiment among players.

Innovative Solutions

Aside from a voiceline, some players propose creative solutions such as having the option to blast doors open with powerful stratagems akin to destroying research facilities. This alternative approach could offer players a more dynamic and engaging method of handling door interactions.