Helldivers Post-Nerf Discussion – Shotgun or Sniper Rifle?

The Helldivers community debates the latest shotgun changes - are they for the better or worse?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Helldivers, balancing game weapons is a delicate art. A recent post on the subreddit sparked a heated discussion about the recent changes to shotguns in the game. Is it a shotgun or a sniper rifle now?


  • Players divided over recent shotgun changes.
  • Some feel the Slugger lost its identity.
  • Others believe balancing was necessary for game integrity.
  • Many call for a middle ground in weapon adjustments.
  • Post-Nerf Fallout

    The post sparked a wave of reactions, with players expressing varied opinions on the shotgun nerfs. Some players lamented the loss of the Slugger’s unique traits, such as its ability to serve as a pseudo sniper rifle. Others welcomed the changes, citing a need for better game balance. The debate raged on between those yearning for the old Slugger and those accepting the new changes as necessary for game improvement.

    The Sniper Dilemma

    One user voiced their frustration, expressing disappointment in the weapon changes. They criticized the decision to nerf the Slugger, emphasizing the importance of understanding the distinction between shotguns and sniper rifles. The sentiment among some players echoed this sentiment, calling for a reevaluation of the recent adjustments to preserve the essence of each weapon type.

    Balancing Act

    While some players advocated for a complete reversion of the changes, others proposed a middle ground approach. Suggestions ranged from tweaking damage fall-off to enhancing the Slugger’s utility without compromising its core identity. The community revealed a desire for nuanced balancing that maintains weapon diversity without sacrificing gameplay depth.