Helldivers Reddit Rant: The Trap of Mines and Misery

Dive into the chaos of Helldivers’ player confusion over whether those mines are a friend or foe in this hilarious reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers’ community is in turmoil over the potential trap involving mysterious mines. Let’s dig deep into the chaos of reddit.


  • Players stuck in the mind-boggling dilemma of mines being a trap or salvation.
  • Old stratagems from Helldivers 1 create longing for a better gameplay experience.
  • A mix of skepticism, humor, and anticipation fuels the heated discussions.

Is It an AT Mine, or the Ultimate Bluff?

The debate rages on as some players are convinced that the mysterious mines are a clever ploy by the developers to pull a fast one on them. User XboxUser123 finds humor in the situation, saying, “It would be absolutely hilarious if the mines ended up being a trap all along.” This sentiment is echoed by others who are ready to laugh off the potential misdirection.

Yearning for the Past

Amidst the uncertainty, users like Hengilore reminisce about the old stratagems from Helldivers 1 that are missing in the current game. They express a desire for the return of favorites like the AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement, Anti-Personnel Barrier, and Distractor Beacon, believing that these additions could enhance the gameplay experience.

The Divide in Opinions

While some players are eagerly anticipating the possibility of the mines being a trap, others like worst_bluebelt are more cautious, noting, “I don’t care if it might be the mines. It might be the f***ing tank!” This divide in opinions adds to the suspense and excitement surrounding the impending reveal.