Helldivers: Redditor’s Satisfying Enemies Revealed

Discover what Helldivers find most satisfying to obliterate in epic battles!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are on a mission to share their most exhilarating kills and victories with the world as they discuss the most satisfying enemy takedowns. From gunships to teammates and lurking stalkers, each kill brings its unique thrill.


  • Players find joy in taking down various enemies in Helldivers, from gunships to warrior-spewing brood commanders.
  • The satisfaction of a single shot to the head, blowing up devastators, or incinerating spawns adds depth to the gameplay experience.
  • Some adrenaline junkies revel in the cacophony of battle, mowing down foes with heavy weaponry like the HMG.

Celebrating the Victories

One player shared, “Flamethrowing a brood commander as he is spawning warriors, OR!!! hmg’ing them. Both helldiver orgasmic!” – squintingWombat

Unity in Defeating

“My team mates” – Ibonedyourmom9696 expressed how vanquishing foes together can be the most satisfying experience in the game.

Thrilling Tactics

“I love popping warrior heads with the blitzer.” – Inevitable_Spell5775 described the exhilaration of precise kills in the heat of battle.