Helldivers: Reviews from the Galaxy of Reddit

Venture through the Reddit universe as Helldivers players share their thoughts on changes and upgrades. Slip on your exosuit and dive into the debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Dive deep into the galaxy of Helldivers as players discuss recent changes and upgrad…


  • Players debate the impact of small percentage upgrades.
  • Some suggest unique additions rather than simple numerical changes.
  • Balancing issues with existing perks are a common concern.

5% Upgrade Controversy

Some players express disappointment at the 5% upgrade, wishing for more significant boosts to resources. Others argue that even a small upgrade can influence gameplay.

Perks vs. Features

Players stress the importance of unique features over numerical tweaks in upgrade systems, believing this would enhance gameplay rather than just provide stat changes.

Stratagem Choices

Discussion arises on the balancing of perks like Stratagem Priority and all terrain boots, highlighting disparities among player preferences and suggesting room for improvement in perk choices.

Lackluster Upgrades

Some players express disappointment in upgrades that seem insignificant compared to more game-changing elements like new stratagems, calling for more impactful additions to entice their return to the game.